Impostor Syndrome in IT


Do you ever get that awful feeling that you’re not good enough to do your job? That you lack skills, intelligence and talent? That everyone around you knows what they’re doing, and you just slip through by luck, chance, and appearing to be better than you really are? Do you live in fear that it’s only a matter of time before someone discovers you’re just a fraud? 

You are not alone. 

According to research, Impostor Syndrome affects almost 90% of people working in IT. In this presentation, I will unravel this phenomenon, explore why it is so dominant in our industry, how one gets into a vicious circle and where it can lead to. I will discuss how the awareness of simple mechanisms will help you see your competencies and what tricks to use to defy the demons of insecurity. 

*May contain traces of rubber ducks.


Based on Episode 102

Years active: 2022 – now

Length: 30 – 45 mins

Done / scheduled at: see full events list

Video EN

Video PL

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