Tag Archives: Leadership

Leader in the Land of Dilemmas Part Two: Context

Episode 108 

In the previous episode, we started a new adventure — a new series: Leader in the Land of Dilemmas. We looked into the mind of a leader wandering in a fog. We climbed together to the peak of the leader’s loneliness. When standing at the crossroads, we had a moment of reflection on what a Dilemma actually is. Ultimately, we reached the Oracle hut and found a mysterious device — the imaginary magic decision-making box.

We must consider what constitutes the input before attempting to produce an output from the device. What are the factors that we have to consider? What is the decision-making context?  


First of all, and the core context is, what happened? What’s the origin of our dilemma, and why do we have to decide in the first place? Perhaps a project manager comes and says that our team member screwed up. Perhaps a client is unhappy with a person’s performance on our team. Maybe a person is dissatisfied with the work and wants to quit. One person claims it’s impossible to work with someone else. A conflict in the team. A problem with the production environment. Difficult 1-on-1 talk incoming. Giving someone a second or third chance after being sacked from yet another team.

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Posted by on June 13, 2024 in Leadership


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Leader in the Land of Dilemmas Part One: Intro 

Episode 107

Ah, long time no see, adventurer! Let’s start with a summary and some news. In a few previous episodes, we discussed generational differences amongst people in IT, as well as various personality types and how to deal with them consistently meddling with soft skills and leadership topics. There has been a little pause in my writing since then, but I was quite busy compensating for this by talking! After the pandemic hiatus, I returned to conferences, meetups, and webinars in March 2023 with a new energy, produced three talks based on articles published here, and delivered them at 21 events total in 2023.

I did a bit of reorganization on related parts of the blog as well. You can find the list of events and further confirmed plans on the Talks and Tour page. Each talk now has its own page with abstracts, details, slides, and recordings, both in English and Polish, whenever available. If you have watched any of those, please let me know your thoughts – feedback is incredibly important for any public speaker.

A New Adventure

There is also a fourth new talk, that I just finished working on, I delivered on one external event so far, and I’ve been scheduled for two more events. All my previous talks were based on, or intertwined with, an article or multiple articles, so this is what I’m going to do now as well – write a series of articles to back up the newest talk. The name of the talk is, “Leader in the Land of Dilemmas. We have a lot to discuss! Should we care more about people or the customer? Treat everyone equally or according to needs? Quick decisions or democracy? What factors should be taken into account when making difficult decisions? How do you navigate the meanders of different personalities, organizations, and a changing business environment? How do you balance time, money, and emotions while maintaining internal consistency?

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Posted by on April 9, 2024 in Leadership


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Archetypes of Developers Part Two

Episode 104

In the previous episode we started with four personality types dating back to antiquity, today known best under DISC theory, color-coded as Red, Yellow, Green and Blue and RPG-coded as Fighter, Bard, Druid and Wizard.

Today, we are going to take a closer look at the introverted spectrum of our fellowship – Druids and Bards, and look for synergies, different paths to reach a goal and the perfect party.

The Green Druid

Druids are the Stable type. They are on the introverted, calm and passive side but are interested in relations and people. Just not too many people at once and not for too long. They are team players -they care about others, and like to help, support, develop, heal, repair and restore. They hate conflicts so they try to de-escalate the situation or back off if things go too far. They speak much less than Yellows which leaves space for listening and they listen carefully and empathically. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on January 6, 2023 in Leadership, Technology


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