Monthly Archives: June 2024

Leader in the Land of Dilemmas Part Two: Context

Episode 108 

In the previous episode, we started a new adventure — a new series: Leader in the Land of Dilemmas. We looked into the mind of a leader wandering in a fog. We climbed together to the peak of the leader’s loneliness. When standing at the crossroads, we had a moment of reflection on what a Dilemma actually is. Ultimately, we reached the Oracle hut and found a mysterious device — the imaginary magic decision-making box.

We must consider what constitutes the input before attempting to produce an output from the device. What are the factors that we have to consider? What is the decision-making context?  


First of all, and the core context is, what happened? What’s the origin of our dilemma, and why do we have to decide in the first place? Perhaps a project manager comes and says that our team member screwed up. Perhaps a client is unhappy with a person’s performance on our team. Maybe a person is dissatisfied with the work and wants to quit. One person claims it’s impossible to work with someone else. A conflict in the team. A problem with the production environment. Difficult 1-on-1 talk incoming. Giving someone a second or third chance after being sacked from yet another team.

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Posted by on June 13, 2024 in Leadership


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